How To Identify, Target, & Treat Cough Symptoms

Coughing is a common affliction. Coughing is your body’s response to protect your airways and lungs. You may occasionally cough to clear your throat. When you get sick, you cough to try and get the mucus out of your lungs. Allergies can cause a cough. Irritants, such as cigarette smoke or strong perfumes, can also cause a cough. The key to controlling your cough is to figure out why you are coughing and deal with it. Brillia Health cough control can help support your immune system and alleviate the severity of a cough.

Acute Coughs

An acute cough is one that lasts less than a month. Acute coughs are often associated with viruses or illnesses, but not always. You may have a productive cough, in which you cough up mucus. A non-productive cough is also called a dry cough. Your throat may be irritated, but you aren’t coughing up mucus. Although it’s common to want to suppress a productive cough, you want to keep coughing to get the mucus out of your chest. Instead of relying on cough medication to quiet an acute cough:

  • Stay hydrated.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Use a humidifier (especially at night) to keep nasal passages moist.
  • Soothe your throat with honey and lemon or chicken soup.

See your doctor if your cough doesn’t get better within three weeks or you experience other symptoms that indicate more problems.

Chronic Coughs

Chronic coughs last over four weeks, often for even longer. The causes of chronic coughs vary, but the most common reasons you may cough is from smoking, asthma, COPD, GERD or medications. Diagnosing a chronic cough is essential to treatment. You may need to work with a healthcare provider to determine the root cause before treating a chronic cough. Hard candy or cough drops can soothe a sore throat. A vaporizer can also soothe dry airways that are irritated from coughing. What are cough symptoms unrelated to the flu? A nagging cough that lasts longer than a month. You may experience heartburn, sore throat, nasal congestion or wheezing.

Treating Coughs

Coughing is uncomfortable. If you’re battling a cough, natural remedies may help the most. If it’s related to the flu or another virus, you may have a fever and other symptoms that indicate your immune system is working to fight the germs. Although it may be tempting to take an over-the-counter medication to feel better, some cough medicines often mask symptoms or cause harmful side effects, such as dry mouth or drowsiness. There are many common misconceptions about cough medicine and how they help make you better.

Coughing is a symptom of many different illnesses and conditions. Your coughing could be caused by many different things. Don’t just try to cure the cough without looking at the root cause. Try Brillia Health cough control to reduce the duration of uncomfortable cold and flu symptoms and to relieve sore throat pain and irritation. The homeopathic blend doesn’t use harsh chemicals to support your body’s natural defense against viruses and germs. Take care of your body and your immune system.

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