Are You New To Making Realtor Postcards? Don't Worry - Here Are 4 Insider Tips from Experts to Beginners

You have probably heard from your mentor and the veterans in the real estate industry that postcards are the way to go. But yet you wonder how one begins to use them and how effective they really are. It has been proven that postcards are an excellent way to get more listings in real estate, as they are quick to read and can be highly targeted.

Postcards are also cheap to produce and pose a very minor imposition. With a postcard, you can be able to create a long independent marketing chain for your realtor business. Furthermore, due to existing automation capabilities, all you have to do is narrow down on your target audience and let the system take care of the rest. 

Now that we know the numerous advantages of realtor postcards, let’s see how you can make sure that you make the most of them when the rubber meets the road. Here are some insider tips on making great Wise Pelican realtor postcards:

Determine your realtor postcard goals:

It can be tempting to dive right into making the postcard design, but it is more important to first determine what your goals are. These objectives will guide everything else including your design. Setting the postcard goal is basically asking yourself: what do I want to achieve with these postcards? 

The goals may be generic or specific to the occasion. They may vary from introducing customers to new open houses, influencing market sales with new offers and other exciting deals, or generating leads. You can also use postcards to motivate previous customers to buy from you again or refer you to other potential buyers. 

Part of planning for your realtor postcards is deciding the best time to roll them out. You might plan your giveaways around holiday rush seasons when clients are more likely to buy the properties you are selling to them.

Identify your target audience:

Your audience depends on the type of property you want to sell. To send out your postcards, you may use existing mailing lists, or you may create or rent a new one. You can also use EDDMs, which are sent to every address within a defined geographic area. To create a new mailing list, you can gather demographic data on different aspects such as gender, age, income, revenue, and family status among other factors.

You can also conduct A/B testing on your target audience to see which postcard works best with them. From the small sample populations’ feedback, you get to know what your clientele likes more. 

Make a compelling case for yourself:

So now you’ve figured out who you are sending your postcard to and what will be on the postcard. The next step is to make sure that the potential buyer honors your call to action and responds accordingly. You need to make a compelling offer to them that is believable and profitable. 

By thinking like your customer, you can think of how the services and products you offer will solve a problem that they have or satisfy a need that they have. Your offer should be geared towards making them see how you are out to make their lives better.

Realtor postcard response rates can be improved through the use of tactics like time-limited offers, discounts, and other enticing deals. Whatever it be, it should be compelling enough to want to make your clients pick up the phone and call you when they get their hands on the postcard.

Create a feasible budget for yourself:

The costs for making your own realtor postcard may be static and dynamic depending on the type of postcard you are sending. Static costs include copywriting and design costs, while dynamic costs entail printing services and postage fees. Since you want to be doing your posting consistently, factor in a nine-month or one-year cost. Your budget will guide your means of production. 


Realtor postcards are a great way to earn yourself a new market. With good research and planning behind you, you will have a great marketing strategy that will pay off in due time. Soon enough, the listings will be coming to you instead of you chasing after them.

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