5 Steps to Take If You’ve Been Involved in a Scooter Accident

In urban communities, the way in which we commute to work, school, and even the store is rapidly changing. 

Aside from being economically friendly and ultra-convenient, scooters are the perfect way to make your way through town. However, these devices are not designed with safety in mind, as your body is openly exposed to anything and everything. 

A scooter accident can happen at any moment, and it’s vital that you know the steps to take if it happens to you.

Here’s What To Do If You’re Involved In A Scooter Accident 

  1. Access Your Injuries 

Scooter accident injuries can range from minor bumps and bruises to serve injuries such as broken bones, lacerations, and neck and back injuries. 

The first thing to do when you’re involved in an accident is assess your injuries. Stay calm and take note of everything your body is showing and feeling. Remember, some damages can be internal and not show immediate signs of injury. 

  1. Seek Medical Help

Immediately after accessing your injuries, seek medical attention. This can happen in a few ways – someone else could have called 911 and an ambulance is on the way. Or, if you have experienced a severe injury, it’s vital to seek help as soon as possible – and that may involve a third-party pressing hard on an open wound.

Regardless of how and when you seek medical help, always get an assessment from a professional. Additionally, you want to schedule follow-up treatments and procedures. Every medical report will help your case if you go to court.

  1. Call the Police, File a Report

Sometimes you call the police before seeking medical attention, and sometimes a witness will call the police for you. It doesn’t matter how the police get to the scene, as long as they get there.

Have the officer file a police report and ask how to obtain a copy of that report. If the injuries are severe and you’re transported to the hospital before talking to the officer, then police may even meet you at the hospital later on.

  1. Identify All Parties Involved in the Accident – Even Witnesses

If you’re physically able, it’s critical to identify who hit you and gather their insurance information. You also want to look for witnesses of the incident so they can testify on your behalf. 

There are often instances where third-party organizations are involved – such as Amazon, Uber, DoorDash, and more. If this happens, you need to obtain the organization’s name and any information associated with that company. 

  1. Contact a Scooter Accident Lawyer

Once your health and safety are stabilized and a police report is filed, contact a scooter accident lawyer. It’s always smart to call a lawyer as soon as possible to ensure all your actions are in your favor. For example, insurance companies may call you directly and ask a question that could damage your case.


Before calling a lawyer, research the firm’s background and experience in scooter accidents. It’s best to choose someone locally so that they can obtain the police report and gather appropriate information – such as evidence from the scene of the crime and speak with people directly who were involved or witnessed the accident. 

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