Gimkit Join

Gimkit Join: Gimkit Code | Join Code | Login

With Gimkit Join, your students can effortlessly participate in your game by using the instant-join feature. This feature eliminates the need for manual entry of game codes or names. Simply direct them to visit, and they will be seamlessly added to your game.

How to Gimkit Join and Login

  1. Select your class while configuring your game options.
  2. Initiate the hosting of your game.
  3. Instruct your students to visit If they are logged in and part of your class, they will automatically join. If they are not logged in, they will be prompted to log in after entering the game code.

How to Conclude a Game Prematurely

Ending an ongoing Gimkit game prematurely is a straightforward process:

Simply click the exit button located at the upper right corner. This button is represented by a half circle with an arrow pointing to the right.


Welcome to KitCodes! KitCodes is a mode designed to get your students active and moving around the classroom. However, it requires some preparation.

Printable KitCodes

To print KitCodes, click here. These codes should be placed strategically around your classroom for students to scan.

Requirements for Playing KitCodes:

  • KitCodes must be printed and displayed in your classroom.
  • Students must have devices that can be moved around the classroom (laptops, tablets, phones).
  • Student devices must be equipped with a camera.

How KitCodes Operates

KitCodes functions similarly to regular Gimkit, but with an exciting twist: students need to move around the classroom to shop! When students enter the shop, they won’t be able to select specific upgrades or access the powerup section. Instead, they will be prompted to scan a KitCode.

Students will navigate the classroom to locate the appropriate KitCode for their desired items. Once found, they can scan the code.

And voilà! Students will be directed to the corresponding section of the shop.

That’s all there is to it! By placing KitCodes throughout the classroom, students are encouraged to get active while shopping. It’s also a fantastic way to observe which items students are selecting during the game.

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