Being in digital marketing or business must have taught you that using Search Engine Optimization is a must. You need quality SEO for improving the rank of your website and make it the first thing that the users see while searching for a particular keyword. This is precisely why SEO has become an integral part of online businesses and content.

Managing SEO is not as daunting now as it used to be. With the increasing advantages that it offers, many SEO optimization tools have flooded the internet. WhatsMySERP, for instance, has been known to provide quality and accurate SEO rankings to the user without paying any money.

Still haven’t started using an SEO tool like WhatsMySERP for managing your online presence? Here are a few compelling reasons that will make you do so immediately.

Targeting quality traffic

The primary reason to work with SEO and SEO tools is to increase the quality of traffic that reaches your website. It is a kind of inbound marketing strategy that reaches only those readers or customers who are actually looking for that particular product or service.

The use of SERP API can help you generate inbound marketing that is more customer-driven. It helps in creating helpful resources and information that a customer can find useful and easy to access. This is a more direct approach in comparison to outbound marketing, where irrespective of what the customer is looking for, you get a shoutout for a random ad.

More clicks!!!

Because of the immense trust that users have in Google’s algorithm, not many users prefer going to the second page of the search result. Getting on the front page of Google is the best way of getting a large number of clicks without much effort.

Using tools like WMS SERP API, you can optimize the content in such a fashion that the ranking of your website increases significantly. With the right density of keywords in your content, you can hit the first page of google search organically and without much effort.

Beat the competition

Figuring out the tricks with SEO can take some time. Meanwhile, your competitors might get a step ahead and gain popularity amongst a user base that could have been yours. By using specialized tools like WMS SERP Checker, you can increase your chances of reaching your customers without much effort.

Build the Credibility of your brand

The entire game of SEO is to improve your ranking on the search engine. SERP checker by WMS can help you achieve that. With a better ranking on the first search page, your customers will have more trust in what you are presenting to them.

This will give credibility to your brand and increase its popularity in one of the most legit ways possible. All this can be done simply by using a free SEO tool that might not even cost you a penny.

Increasing mobile-friendliness

The majority of people like to indulge in exploring a particular product or service while they are on the move. In such a case, they can do the same only with the help of their smartphone. The use of SEO tools can make your content more mobile-friendly.

The user will be able to engage with your content irrespective of what device you are using. In fact, Whats My SERP offers its user the feature of mobile optimization for their content to increase user engagement over cell phones.

Increase your social media presence

If you have a popular website that attracts a good amount of traffic, there are higher chances of people engaging with your social medial icons. The more people land on your website, the more chances there are to increase your social media presence as well.

And all this will be a fruit of better search engine optimization. The more you work on your website ranking, the higher are your chances of having a popular face on social media.

Create brand awareness

What is your brand without people having knowledge about it? Increasing the awareness of your brand is a must in this competitive world. You need to be out there to let people know you have a quality product or service.

You might be delivering the best of the goods. But until your customers are aware of your existence, there is no point in having a great product. SEO tools help you get a face on the internet. You become popular by having a higher ranking, and your customers get a better knowledge about your brand.

To sum it up

SEO has become the heart of marketing over the internet. You need to be aware of the basics of the same to increase your chances of climbing the ladder of popularity. Using SEO tools understanding optimization and putting it to your benefit can raise your odds of getting popular and successful instantly.

This is the simplest way of engaging with your target audience and letting them know that you are the best in business. The use of SEP tools can make the job much easier for you, and you can reap the fruits of the same for a very long time.

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