Cool Decks 101: How to DIY coat a cool deck?Cool Decks 101: How to DIY coat a cool deck?

It’s probably the hundredth time that you hear about cooling decks. The ever-most-wanted decks around that pool feel and look cool!

Who does not want that? And so now many pool owners think if they can DIY coat their pool decks when not yet been enhanced with the cool coating.

First, how does one make a pool decking cool? Hop and dive into today’s article. This is your guide to DIY cool decking!

What is a cool coat?

Usually, you will find swimming pools built in warm regions where summer is at its peak. Swimming in both man-made water resorts or the beach is the best escape from the heatwaves.

At noon, the sun sure hits directly at the ground making all the surface around burning hot! Ouch! That is the problem when the decks around the pool have no type of coating—either a polymer sealer or an acrylic-based paint.

Combine those two types of concrete coatings, resin or epoxy, and acrylic, and you got the “cool decks.”

Types of Cool Decks to Use

A cooling pool deck is one type of many applications for the swimming areas. There are various types of decks used for the water sports area.

You got wood, vinyl, and synthetic polymers.

But the concrete decks with the cooling coating have the most distinct feature in both form and function. So with that said, there are few names that reign in this application.

Spray Knockdown finish

The Knockdown finish or the trowel finish also called the classic spray texture, is a concrete deck finishing that provides a heat repel feature to the surface.

The Look

As you can see from the word knockdown, the application is finished by knocking down the coating to create a distinct pattern and texture. This is also what expert installers cool deck coatings Las Vegas refer to as the “trowel down” finish.

The coating, which contains epoxy, grout, and acrylic, forms a dense, pasty mix. Instead of pouring it on the surface, the installer sprays it over using a spray gun. Before that coating dries, a trowel is used to press down the curing coating mix.

Now that is how the spray knockdown texture happens.

The Feel

It’s not enough to see how the texture looks. The texture is made for you to feel. So how does the knockdown sensation triggers your sense of touch?

Not that you would touch it. When you have this on your pool decks, you can walk barefoot around the pool. Even under the scorching noontime sun, the steps will stay cool under the feet.

This is a more recent innovation than the famous pioneer of cooling decks, the Kool deck. Compare that to the cool deck, the latter has more slip resistance on it. It’s also why the experts who developed this method keep the trowel textures its trademark look.

Aggregate Finish

The aggregate finish has cement, stones, pebbles, and glass mixed all together. While it does not repel heat as effectively as the knockdown finish, at least 10% to 15% heat is reduced. Aggregates provide small gaps from pieces of materials like stones and pebbles.

These may also include glass and sand that can defect the light from the sun. Professional installers will apply a final sealer, usually acrylic or epoxy, on the top surface. Tah makes the material less hot in humid weather.

The Look

The exposed aggregate look conveys a very natural aesthetic. And that it blends so well among outdoor elements, as the water, the greeneries, and the concrete floorings.

This application has a distinct rough texture that makes it also suitable for driveways. Often a professional installer will have the option to choose if the aggregates will have full or light exposure.

The Feel

As mentioned above, the aggregates can appear in varying degrees. So how it feels can either be rough or a little more refined. For the decks surrounding the pool, a fine to moderate texture will do.

This is good to make someone feels something massaging the feet.

How to Apply Cool Coat on Your Decks

The cooling system added to a deck might sound complex, but this process is quite simple. That said, an ordinary pool owner can add a cool coating to their concrete pool steps.

If you have visited various resources for applying concrete coatings for outdoor floors, the process of this application will take pretty much the same process.

Here’s how:

Step-1: Clean and Prepare the Surface

As always, you need to clean and prepare the surface. Never skip this, even if you get too excited.

Step-2: Repair Damages

The probable reason that you need to know how to DIY cool coating is due to damages. The common ones are cracks. Also, fading of coloring and sealer will cause further flaws.

Repair and restore the surface first. The problem when you apply the coating without fishing the cracks or dent is ineffective adhesion. You may lose what you use, especially if you want to DIY the process.

Step-3: Mix the Coating

The right consistency is vital to achieve the tworel texture. Also, if the mix is too thick, then it will be hard to spray over. On the other hand, if the mixture is too thin, it might not gove the knockdown effect, which helps regulate the heat on the surface.

Step-4: Spray on the Coating 

Here is the essential step in this entire article. What makes the classic texture a brand of its own is this process. Spraying the coating instantly creates an effect and patten on the surface. The coating also spread evenly when sprayed.

The installer sprays just the right amount of the compound. In that way, the coat will not be too thick or too thin. That is also why the next step is possible.

Step-5 Trowel Down

So after you sprayed the coating, the droplets of the coating form peaks, revealing a texture. But before it completely dries, a trowel is pressed on the coating. Remove the trowel, and you will see a knockdown pattern. They look like blotches. And the texture feels good under bare feet.

Other Options for Cooling Decks

Now, there are NOT types of finishes, but they are materials with cool surfaces and perfect for pools.

Marbella. Marbella is considered the coolest. The Marbella has a slate-like feel and look. Often these come in nude or fleshy colors. They make a pool look so delicate, modern, and warm. But once your bare feet or your backs touch the surface, they feel cold, relaxing, and refreshing.

Travertine. Travertine is the favored material for luxury pool decks. But these materials do not cost luxury at all. They make great wall decks. These materials can be too slippery, though. Instead of barefoot walking, wall extensions and accents for sitting by the pool may better use this.

Pavers. Pavers may often be used together with concrete, but paver stone material cools even faster than the old Kool deck. At least pavers can reduce absorbed heat by 5% percent less than the kool deck.


Now you can have your innovative pools as a container pool surrounded by a DIY cool deck. Submerge yourselves into relaxing water after a hard day’s work! Splash in!

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