
According to wellhealthorganic.com:5-herbal-teas-you-can-consume-to-get-relief-from-bloating-and-gas

5 Best Herbal teas are:

1. Ginger

Ginger is an effective anti-inflammatory. It also contains an ingredient called gingerol that has been proven to relieve the bloating. Additionally, it helps in the treatment of nausea. “Ginger tea is a strong digestive aid that helps relieve gas, bloating, stomach pains, and bowel movements. It’s known to calm inflammation and soothe the GI tract,” Smith says. Smith.

2. Peppermint

When I experienced stomach pain as a child I would hear my grandmother tell me to chew on a peppermint. I’m not sure if the sugar relieved my stomach problems and stomach issues, but there’s something that can be said for peppermint , and its effectiveness in easing stomach issues. “Peppermint oil has been shown to be effective in reducing stomach pain, bloating, gas, and some research has shown that peppermint tea contains adequate amounts to improve symptoms,” Shapiro states. Shapiro.

3. Fennel

Fennel is being studied for its many health-enhancing advantages, but since you’re here for a way to get rid of bloating our stomachs, we’ll be focusing on its ability to control your stomach. Fennel helps to eliminate gas from the intestines, and it also aids in helping the body to create more bile. The more bile you produce means that your body is more in breaking down fats, especially dairy products, one of the main causes of a stomach that is bloated. Is it difficult to find fennel tea available in the stores? You can crush a few seeds and then steep them in water, advises Shapiro.

4. Chamomile

It is most likely that you will be aware of this tea due to its snooze-inducing properties. However, it also can help ease the stomach that is bloated. Inflammation in the wall of the intestine may cause bloating in addition to other digestive health issues. “There is some preliminary research that presents chamomile extract has the potential to protect against diarrhea and stomach ulcers due to its anti-inflammatory properties,” Smith says. Smith.

5. Dandelion Root

“This tea is a natural diuretic, so will it help with reducing any water weight/retention by increasing urination,” Shapiro says. Shapiro. While no one likes the constant race towards the toilet, the additional volume of water can ease constipation. The ingredient has been used for a considerable duration to reduce anxiety, inflammation and many other.

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