A huge number of people all over the world are addicted to games. Games can help you relax after work or school. Some of them are for development. With their help, you can learn another language, develop strategic and logical thinking. Other games are designed to relax and release negative emotions. In any case, this industry is actively developing, so it will be useful to know game development cost breakdown. In this article, you will find out how much it costs to create one average game and who is involved in this process.

Project creators

Any site, game, application is created by several specialists. The development involves programmers, designers, graphics and sound specialists. The work of testers is very important, they should notice the error in the code in time and inform the programmers about it. Only as a result of joint efforts will the finished project be of high quality, interesting and popular:

1.Designers. They create the overall look of the game. The number of these specialists directly depends on the complexity of the project. A person who knows how to create games at an average level earns about 60,000 dollars for his work.

2.Programmers. Only they are able to create a game that will run on PCs and mobile devices with different operating systems. The salary of programmers depends on many factors and averages 70,000 – 130,000 dollars. In America, the salary of professional developers with work experience of five years reaches 200,000 dollars and more.

3.Graphics specialists. Player comfort is dependent on computer graphics. The better the details, characters, general background, animation are worked out, the easier it is to play. Today, games in 3D and 2D format are popular. Such specialists create 3D character design and other elements.

4.Sound specialists. Users will never get carried away with a game for a long time if it does not include sound. It is a must-have component of any game project. Today there are free programs that offer different sounds for such solutions. There are also paid programs. If you decide to hire a specialist, you will have to pay him 200-500 dollars.

5.Testers. Users should enjoy the game. Even the best project can be ruined by bugs in the code. Game problems, application crashes, and other issues can greatly affect the reputation and popularity of a project. The tester will have to pay about 50,000 dollars.

Other expenses

Programmers can write a game from scratch or use off-the-shelf software that you need to buy. You will also need the costs of obtaining a license and promoting the project. Sometimes game creators promote their product in search engines, social networks.

If you decide to use the voices of famous people for voice acting characters, you need to get their consent. In addition, to create a game, modern equipment, high-quality equipment, and a well-equipped studio are required.

Creating a game is a costly and complex process, so you need to plan costs, determine the time to create a project. It is also important to understand what kind of team is required to implement the idea. Do not forget to take into account the additional costs that will certainly appear during the work on the project.









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