Do you consider yourself a shopaholic? Do you always end up spending more on your shopping trips than you planned? Can your pocket not always withstand the hit? You have come to the right place. Hopefully, we can help you figure out some helpful ways to cut down your spending and not compromise your style in the process.                                

Make Your Own!

Sewing is an amazing skill to have under your belt. Sounds absurd and menial? You will be surprised how easy technology has made sewing. New sewing machines have become quite convenient to use and all the printable cutouts for different garments are available online. 

If you have the time and energy, it can actually become quite a therapeutic activity. Not to mention, investing in a sewing machine will help you save up on costs extensively since most brands sell at a very high-profit margin. It helps you not only in matters of your closet, but you can also repair cushion covers, curtains, and much much more!


Do you not have the time for sewing your own clothes? Or you don’t know how to? Have you been eyeing a piece from a luxury brand that you simply can not afford right now? You may not be aware of this but there are businesses that will customize your clothes for you! 

Picture this, you want a sleek-cut coat, with the kind of silhouettes and cuts only luxury brands seem to offer. Instead of spending a couple of month’s rent on a single piece of clothing, opt for custom-made coats. You save on the exorbitant prices of the luxury brand, and you don’t compromise on the look of your outfit.


Thrifting is your best friend when it comes to saving money. I promise you, whatever expensive piece of clothing you want to buy, there is a thrift store selling that at probably a quarter of the price or less. Plus, thrift stores are usually run by small business owners, so you’ll be helping out a hardworking entrepreneur!  

Recycle Clothes

The 70s and 80s have made a comeback this year, ask for your parents’ or grandparents’ old clothes. Most people have them stored for sentimental reasons. Refurbish them or wear them as they are in your own way! You’ll be saving on the cost of new clothes while adding a lot of new looks to your wardrobe. 

Not to mention, how happy your parents or grandparents will be, seeing you revive their old clothes. You can do the same with your own old clothes! Do you feel like some of your old clothing is not trendy anymore? Shape it into something you would want to wear! There is so much that can be done with old clothes. 

Baby tees have been trending, you can try cropping some of your old tees. Do you have some old full-length skirts? Tailor them into more form-fitting midi-skirts that are trending so much these days. It is amazing how much a little effort can transform your old wardrobe.

Sell Your Old Clothes

It is understandable that some people form sentimental attachments to their old clothes and keep them around for really long. If you are not one of those people though, you are in luck when it comes to saving on clothes. 

You can sell your old clothes to thrift stores. This helps free up space in your closet, you earn some cash, and help out a business, all at the same time. Selling your old clothes is a great option if you are looking to keep your closet dynamic.

Plan Your Shopping Trips

A very simple trick to save money is to plan out your shopping trips. Think about exactly what kind of item you need to buy. Then discipline yourself into only looking for that item and only spend money on that. That way, you won’t end up spending as much money. 

Do Not be Brand Conscious

Always opting for expensive brands rather than taking the time to analyze your option can make you spend a lot more money on your clothes than you actually need to. Eighty percent of the time, other smaller and less expensive brands have similar pieces to what you are interested in. 

Opt for those rather than the expensive ones. If it makes you happy, buy it but make sure you don’t go over your budget. You can invest on a few pieces of Steven Rhodes t-shirts, for example, and choose the designs that you love the most. Of course, the occasional splurge on yourself for a nice luxurious item is always acceptable! Just do not make it a habit.


Youth, especially college life, is an age where you want to look trendy and fashionable, but your pockets just do not seem to allow it. You are either working extra shifts to support yourself on top of your course load or you have an allowance from your parents. 

Either way, there probably never seems to be enough money left to spend on building that fashionable wardrobe you so crave. Hopefully, this article gave you some helpful pointers about how to manage your budget on clothes.

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