6 Common Incidents that Result in Truck Accidents

Truck accidents are one of the most common types of collisions that happen in the United States. The size and weight of trucks mean that they can do more damage than cars, so truck accident lawsuits tend to be so expensive since you have to hire the best semi-truck accident attorney in the country. 

Truck accidents are not just an insurance matter but require an attorney who knows how to handle these types of accidents. Semi-truck collision attorneys in Maryland can help you recover from injuries, catastrophic medical bills, and lost wages through truck accident lawsuits. To avoid this, you need to know the causes of these accidents to avoid them.

6 Common Incidents that Result in Truck Accidents

1. Falling asleep at the wheel

Although the driver may not be driving, the fact that they are not paying attention to the road can result in a truck accident. According to an article from AAA, distracted driving can increase your risk of being involved in a fatal car crash or getting into an accident with another vehicle. About 3 out of every ten car accidents involving distracted drivers are fatal, resulting in nearly 2,000 deaths annually on American highways.

2. Speeding

Speeding is a major contributor to truck accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speeding can cause up to 10% of fatal accidents involving vehicles weighing more than 10,000 pounds. Drivers are always in a rush and want to get ahead of the traffic by speeding. However, speeding leads to overconfidence, and when it rains or gets dark, the driver can lose control over the vehicle.

3. Doing illegal things when driving example, texting

Doing something unsafe while driving, such as texting or changing radio stations, can be a factor in causing you or someone else serious injury or death in a truck accident. While some people think that it is safe to text while driving, the truth is that doing so greatly increases your risk of being involved in a fatal truck accident.

Distracted driving occurs when you’re talking on a cell phone, eating, or zoning out; almost half of these accidents involve texting and speeding drivers. If you have been in a car crash involving distracted driving, you need to contact a local attorney who can help you seek compensation for your injuries.

4. Following too close or tailgating

Truck drivers tend to stick to the speed limit and usually follow other vehicles at a distance of one to three car lengths, required by law. However, this very important compliance can lead to aggressive driving, resulting in a truck accident. Drivers should always keep a safe distance from the vehicle they are following but close enough to take the necessary actions if another vehicle comes into their path.

5. Making unsafe lane changes

Truck drivers often make lane changes to keep their speed constant. If a driver makes a lane change in front of a large truck, the truck driver will not be able to stop or maneuver in time due to the size and weight of their vehicle. It can lead to serious injuries or death in a truck accident. It is best to avoid changing lanes unless you are certain that no other vehicles are around you.

6. Use of a handheld cell phone while driving

Cell phones can distract drivers and increase the risk of being involved in a fatal truck accident. According to the federal government’s National Safety Council, 60% of all car accidents are caused by drivers talking on cell phones, eating, or other activities other than driving. If you have been injured in a truck accident due to another driver’s phone use, consult with an attorney whose practice focuses on truck accidents to handle your case properly.

5 Effects of Truck Accidents

1. Risk for serious injuries

Truck accident victims are more likely to be seriously injured in a crash due to the size and weight of their vehicle. An average truck weighs about 80,000 pounds, and if this truck were to hit you at high speeds, the impact could cause you to go flying into a light pole or another vehicle. 

The severity of injuries caused by a truck accident can vary greatly depending on how they struck you. The faster the truck was going when it hit you, the more likely you would suffer serious injuries.

2. Increased medical costs

If you are involved in a truck accident, your medical costs will likely be higher than after a car accident. The larger vehicle is likely to cause greater damage during an accident and may require more time in physical therapy or other surgeries to recover from. Depending on the nature of your injuries, these medical bills are likely to exceed an average person’s first-year income.

3. Loss of wages and lost time at work

Properly recovering from a truck accident can take a significant amount of time away from work or school. Truck accident victims who cannot return to work for two or more months after their accident may have to file for workers’ compensation benefits. If you are unable to work, you may be able to obtain compensation for your lost wages through truck accident lawsuits. This compensation can help you pay off your medical bills and live comfortably while recovering.

4. High legal costs if a lawsuit is required

Even if you successfully win a truck accident lawsuit, you may not be able to collect the full amount of damages that you need. Truck accidents often result in cases where the defendant driver cannot afford to pay for the damages they are responsible for. When this happens, their insurance company will pay an amount that falls well short of what it would cost to repair or replace your vehicle.

5. Death

Truck accidents can cause the death of the driver and their passengers. These deaths are often caused by the severity of injuries typically suffered in truck accidents. If you were involved in a fatal truck accident, you might be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering and loss of companionship. To determine how much money your case is worth, schedule a free consultation with an attorney who handles truck accident cases.


To prevent being involved in a truck accident, you should install safety features in trucks such as seat belts and airbags to protect the driver and passenger from serious injuries. It will help prevent this type of accident from occurring. Additionally, drivers should avoid being distracted since it can lead to a fatal truck accident.

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