Best ways to take Revision Notes while StudyingBest ways to take Revision Notes while Studying

Before exams, every student will study and prepare, but just studying and learning will not help you to score well in the examination. While studying, students must also make notes which they can revise later. Maintaining revision notes will allow you to be more prepared and confident for the examination. Before starting on how to or the best ways to take revision notes students must keep a few things in their mind.

  • Revision notes are meant for revising and thus you should try to keep it simple and short so that it will be easier for you to revise.
  • Students while preparing must always maintain revision notes.
  • Make revision notes after you have completed a chapter or a topic and do not just keep writing notes without knowing the topic or chapter.

Students must keep the above points in mind before making revision notes. This article will provide you with the best ways to take revision notes while studying and by following these ways every student can benefit from it.

Use Your Own Words

This is important and every student must try to get accustomed to it. For students who can frame and write answers on their own will benefit a lot in higher studies and the future. You can study a particular topic or chapter and try to write the important points related to that chapter or topic in your own words in a separate note. This will help you to maintain revision notes and will also help you to prepare thoroughly. Rather than mugging the same lines, it is better to understand the answer and write it in your own words. This will help you to remember the exact topic and the concept behind it. Many students will think that this may be a waste of time and instead, they can just keep on mugging the same chapters and topics and prepare themselves for the exam, but what will happen is that they will not be able to grasp the proper concept and theory and will eventually find the subject difficult and boring. Hence, it is always recommended that you study the chapters and topics and then try to make revision notes using your own words.

Maintain Proper Structure While Making Revision Notes

When students make revision notes they think that it’s a note that must contain all the information that is present in the textbook. Well, you are not writing a book and revision notes should be easy and are used for faster recollection of thoughts and points that you have already studied and understood. While making revision notes you have to maintain a proper structure, what this means is that you must use the following ways to make one.

  • Use subheadings for each topic.
  • Try to write the information on the topics shortly and simply and use bulletins to separate them.
  • Keep the answers straightforward and do not try to overdo them.
  • Always write the definitions for the topics, you can also write small explanations for them.
  • Do not scribble here and there in your notes as it will distract you and hinder your process.
  • Try to cover all the topics present and maintain a solid structure of them in your notes.
  • Last but not least you must improve and work with your revision notes every day.

Importance of Examples

This is an important piece of advice that all students must follow while making revision notes. Examples are common and must be used in your notes to explain certain topics and help you understand the implementation. Every topic that you write should be followed by an example related to it. Including examples will also help you to understand the idea behind the chapter or the topic that you are studying and taking notes of. Revising these examples will help you to understand and recall difficult topics. Examples are also helpful for understanding the use of formulas and practical applications. Examples will act as evidence for the topics and chapters in your revision notes and will allow you to better your revision and thus improving your overall preparation for the examination. Thus, examples are an important part of the revision notes and must be avoided.

Include Tips in your Revision Notes

Making revision notes while studying is good and you can improve your revision notes by adding tips to them. In each of the chapters and in case of important topics, you can include some tips that will help you understand the topic better. These tips will also help you to frame a proper picture of the concept in your mind, helping you to remember a certain topic or concept. Define the key terms and write them as tips on the side or top of your notes. This will also help you while you give a quick rundown of the revision notes.

Visualize and Condense the Information

While making notes for revision you need to visualize the understanding. After making a proper image of the concept, try to condense the information into small and understandable essays or points. This will help you to go through faster and will also help you to cover a lot of topics in less time. Daily improvement of the notes while going through it is also recommended and it will further help you to remember and understand the concept. While visualizing, ask yourself questions like for what/where am I going to use this information. This will help you to visualize during the exam and recall the topic.

Daily Reading

Once the notes are made, it is not enough as you need to go through them every day and practice. To remember the topics and concepts properly, daily reading and practice are important and you must not avoid it or get lazy.

The above-mentioned tips are some of the best ways to take revision notes while studying. You can use these notes for daily revisions and last-minute revisions. These notes will be very helpful for your preparation and will help you to score well in the examinations.

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