Knowing the recommended dietary restriction and limitation for protein intake is important since there may also be an entailing health consequence of too much protein in the body. Protein shakes and its powder forms may vary depending on the amount of protein they contain. For starters, three protein forms are used in various protein supplements.  Athletes need to look after their daily protein intake since it will also determine the progress and results of their training. To help you know more about this, read along and check if you are following a good protein diet.

How Much Is Protein Considered Safe?

As stipulated in most clinical studies, the recommended dietary allowance for protein is between 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. This reference range is imposed as a rudimentary range for those who would like to maintain their muscle mass. However, athletes and those who may have extensive workout training and lifting sessions should consider increasing their protein intake up to 54 grams per day since their muscles are “torn” up from use and would require more than usual protein to repair the body’s tissue. If you are looking for the best protein powder, you can look online and check for the different protein extract variation.

Is It Safe to Increase My Protein Intake?

Increasing your protein intake is generally safe if you expend the ingested protein through how your body can build up muscle. Suppose you are taking lots of protein and you are not on any exercise regimen or strength conditioning session. In that case, chances are you are going to have that protein converted into reserved energy. Thus, protein intake without physical expenditure can result in unwanted weight gain and build-up of fat. That is why it is important to look after the protein concentration labels of protein powders before you decide which one to buy.

Other Important Consideration Before Buying A Protein Powder

Before you head on and make a purchase, consider comparing the brands and the type of protein powder that they contain. Most of the time, the number one mistake that consumers do is they never look at the product’s content. Knowing the add-on materials and the percentage for each gram of serving will help you decide which one is the most beneficial for you. Also, do not forget to make the best of every product by complementing it with regular exercise and gradual weight training.


Knowing the right amount of protein intake is important if you consider having regular strength resistance and weight lifting ability. Adhering to the recommended dietary allowance and the per body weight kilogram indication of protein intake is essential since it will give out the optimal result. By increasing the protein intake gradually and steadily, you can also benefit from gaining more power without necessarily adjusting to an abrupt increase in muscle mass. Thus, always consider looking for the content of various protein powders and other similar concentrates before you head out and make that purchase.