If you have just been in an accident, whether a car wreck, sports injury, or surgery, you need to use natural and effective healing methods to reduce pain and swelling. Instead of using numerous painkillers and prescribed medication, using all-natural methods that speed up the body’s healing processes is the safest way to go.

One of the best ways to increase healing after a traumatic event is to use cold and compression therapy. This combined modality takes the benefits of cold therapy and adds compression for extra healing benefits. Cold therapy effectively reduces swelling, lessening inflammation, and numbing nerve endings to help with joint pain.

Compression helps direct the cold therapy to the targeted area, such as the ankle, knee, shoulder, back, hips, or ribs. By using a method anatomically designed for your body, you can efficiently heal quicker after an accident – let’s see how.

How an aircast cryo cuff helps you heal faster

An aircast cryo cuff is a targeted cold therapy compression method that works specifically for joints, see more about it. Since this tool is anatomically designed to fit your body and compress a particular area, such as the knees, hips, back, ribs, shoulders, knees, or ankles, you can prevent having to use a traditional ice pack on a sore spot.

Due to the form-fitting shape and directed cold therapy method, you can quickly get targeted pain relief to a specific area. Let’s see the main benefits and ways cryo cuff therapy can help you heal faster after an accident when compared to traditional methods. 

Helps reduce swelling

An aircast cryo cuff uses localized cryotherapy methods to reduce swelling after an injury or surgery. By numbing nerve endings and reducing tissue inflammation, the patient will experience significantly less pain and swelling when compared to not using cold therapy. Since the body will heal its tissue immediately after trauma, cold therapy helps speed up the tissue healing process by alerting the lymph and immune system to kick into overdrive. 

Soothe muscle pain

Cryotherapy helps reduce muscle pain after an intense workout for endurance events. For athletes who constantly do hard workouts or do training sessions twice per day, using an aircast cryo cuff is an excellent way to recover between training sessions without taking painkillers. Using An all-natural method is safe for athletes and regular people who want to reduce muscle pain and soreness. 

Restore range of motion

Especially after surgery, an aircast cryo cuff helps restore a full range of motion. If you just had shoulder surgery and need to get back to using your arm to the full extent, using an aircast cryo cuff is a natural way to target the painful muscle and tissue in your shoulder to help rebuild.


Using an aircast cryo cuff has multiple benefits for athletes, surgical patients, and regular people who need to restore a full range of motion. By being anatomically designed to fit specific body areas, such as the most common joints like knees and ankles, the cryocuff is effective at targeting areas and delivering localized pain relief.

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