One of the people’s favorite watch brands—if not the most—might be Rolex. When it comes to luxury watch brands, Rolex will not let you down: from its sleek design, sophisticated engineering, and strong brand reputation. We may have heard of these accolades before because Rolex is what really comes into mind when we talk about luxury watches. This brand is the go-to watch of celebrities, politicians, and other personalities. However, there are still lots of things you may want to learn about the brand. You may want to know these facts if you are thinking of getting a luxury watch yourself. Here are some things you need to know about Rolex!

1.What does “Rolex” mean?

Most luxury brands—or any brand, for that matter—have meanings behind their brands. These meanings will signify what the brand stands for and what its vision is for its craft. For Rolex, it is a bit unique. Its owner, Hans Wilsdorf, shares with us in a statement about what Rolex means. No, it is not an acronym nor is it a combination of words. According to Wilsdorf, he got the name Rolex from the sound of watches when they wind them.

From its meaning, the brand took inspiration from the experience of the feeling of wearing a luxury watch. Rolex is the perfect name for this leading brand because it is short, easy to remember, aesthetically appealing, and looks good on the watch’s design. Rolex plans to make its brand relevant in different countries because anyone can pronounce Rolex easily no matter what their language is.

2.Rolex creates their own metal

Rolex watches have been praised by watch connoisseurs because of their durability and brilliant finish. What you may not know is that Rolex actually creates their own metal. One of the metals they manufactured is Rolesium. Rolesium is a mix of platinum and stainless steel. Rolex watchmakers use Rolesium as the material for the back of the cases of some of their timepieces.

3.Rolex is under a charity

Despite the brand being one of the most powerful brands in the world, it comes as a surprise for some people when they learn about Rolex being a charity. Yes, you read that right! When Hans Wilsdorf’s wife died in 1944, he founded the Hans Wilsdorf foundation. He and his wife never had kids. Wilsdorf transferred all the accounts of the company to the said foundation. Since then, Rolex classifies as a charity, so it does not pay corporate income taxes. The non-profit company donates all its money to charity. They focus on arts, science, and the environment.

4.Rolex became more popular during the Second World War

In any event, there will always be a silver lining. During the war, Rolex might just have theirs. Like most luxury watch brands, Rolex supplied wristwatches for soldiers during the war for more precise timekeeping. The British Royal Air Force favors Rolex as a watch brand. The Nazi took the air force warrior’s Rolex watches when their plane crashed.

When the founder, Wilsdorf learned this news, he made an announcement that the brand would return all Rolex watches lost by British prisoners. This gesture by Wilsdorf cemented the brand’s reputation. It shows solidarity with the British Army and the Air Force, which they highly needed during the time.

5.A Rolex timepiece helped in a murder investigation

It is sometimes admirable how investigators solve cases and mysteries. In one case, a Rolex watch may have helped in pointing the answer. In a murder case, the investigators learned about the identity of the victim because of the Rolex watch he is wearing. Rolex watches have exclusive service markings. They also identified his exact time of death because of Rolex’s technology. Rolex has a power reserve of 40 hours. The watch started to use up the 40-hour power reserve when the wearer stopped moving.

6.Someone once stole from Rolex

Rolex became a victim of a criminal case, itself. Bernard Madoff had been the mastermind of what they call the biggest investment scam in the world for which he got arrested. He ran the biggest Ponzi scheme ever. Rolex lost more than half a million dollars. He also sold all his valuable watch collections and estates. Judge Chin sentenced him to 150 years in prison.

7.The Rolex headquarters observes strict security

Speaking of criminal cases and security, it will be impossible to rob Rolex physically in their headquarters. They even say that the Rolex headquarters observe stricter security measures than a prison with maximum security! Having a secure headquarters is just right considering how expensive their products and materials are. Yes, they even go as far as being more secure than a maximum-security prison! All employees need to go through an iris scanner and a fingerprint scanner before they can ever enter the headquarters. They use armored trucks to transport Rolex parts.

8.Rolex did not start in Switzerland

You might also be surprised at this knowing that Rolex is one of the brands that put Swiss watches on the map. This prestigious Swiss watch brand was actually established in London in 1905. Hans Wilsdorf and Alfred Davis founded the company when they started a business assembly for watches using parts made in Switzerland. Today, you can find their headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

9.Rolex was the first watch to reach the highest summit in the world

Rolex became a famous timepiece because of its iconic marketing strategies. One of these strategies is to be present in historical moments. Rolex sponsored Tenzing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary’s expedition to the summit of Mount Everest. Rolex gave watches to the duo which became strategic publicity for the brand.

Make your own history with a Rolex watch

Here are just some trivia that is good to know if you will choose Rolex as your trusted watch. For sure, this watch brand has been through a lot throughout history. To this day, it remains to be one of the most influential brands in the world. Make a history of your own, too, with a Rolex watch, and come out stronger all the time!

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