Useful Tips For Owning, Caring, Training Of French Bulldogs Puppies

Having a French Bulldog is an exciting experience. These dogs are wonderful pets for the whole family. They have a short coat that requires little grooming and an easy-to-care-for size that makes them ideal for apartment living. 

Tips for Owning, Caring, and Training  French Bulldogs Puppies

The following guide will provide useful information for those who are new to owning French Bulldog puppies and those who want to be well-informed about the breed:

Providing a Safe Environment For Your New Puppy:
French Bulldogs are sensitive to heat and cold. They should be kept in a temperature-controlled home. Owners of Frenchies should dress their dogs in sweaters or jackets when going outdoors on cold days and use a hairdryer at home if the dog’s coat is wet to avoid heatstroke.

Be sensitive to teething, which can last for weeks or months depending on the individual puppy. Invest in chew toys like Nylabones and Bully Sticks (rawhide-free) that will occupy your young pup until his adult teeth grow in.

Get Your Puppy Used to His Crate:
Since the French Bulldogs are known to be somewhat difficult to housetrain, this step is important. Most puppies will naturally seek out a den of their own accord and feel most secure when they have one available. The crate should be comfortable with a soft bed inside that the dog can snuggle into. A favorite blanket or towel can be added as a scent cue to the owner for when the puppy needs to go outside.

Crate training can help your puppy learn about other boundaries as well. If you notice that your French Bulldog has started chewing on anything he is not supposed to, place him in the crate for a time-out. He will soon learn that his behavior is unacceptable when he is in the crate and will behave better while out of it.

Harnesses. Puppies are small enough to fit into many different types of collars, but these can be harmful if the puppy tries to chew on them. Harnesses are much safer for dogs of all ages, especially teething puppies who will want to chew on anything they can get their hands around.

Be consistent with your French Bulldog. If you encourage him one way one day and discourage him on another, he will not know what behavior is expected of him.

Introducing Your New Puppy to Other Pets:
This can be a bit of a challenge. French Bulldogs are known for being very social, but the best way to accomplish this is to allow them time to get acquainted with other animals on their own and at their own pace.

Health & Nutrition:
Just like all pets, French Bulldogs need good quality food. Puppies should be fed three meals a day of high-quality puppy chow until they are about six months old and reduced to two (or even one) meals per day as they approach adulthood.

As previously stated, the French Bulldogs are known to have some health issues that owners should be on the lookout for during their new pet’s lifetime. They are more susceptible to hip dysplasia and related diseases than other breeds, so it is a good idea for owners to familiarize themselves with this information to keep a watchful eye out for any problems that may arise.

Training the very own French Bulldogs 

They are highly intelligent, but they also have an independent streak in their personality. Their stubbornness when not trained from a young age can lead to behavioral problems later in life.

Hold training sessions – even if you only have a few minutes – using small, moist treats as a reward. Frenchies (French Bulldogs) can occasionally be difficult to housebreak, so this is an important step. Take your puppy outside every two hours and he will soon learn when to go potty.

In addition, these friendly Bulldogs are quick to learn most things, but teaching them not to jump up can be quite a challenge. For the first six months, only allow people you know well to handle him and discourage visitors from picking him up. Wait until your puppy is older before allowing anyone else to touch him.

Puppies For Sale

If you’re interested in the French Bulldog breed, consider checking out some puppies for sale at BigBulldogs. You can see all of the different dog breeds we have available and know that each one has been raised with only the highest level of attention and care. That way, when you do bring your new pup home, he’ll be healthy and well-adjusted.

People who are interested in owning a French Bulldog should know that they can take on the responsibility of raising these pups with ease. Follow the tips in this article when caring for your new pet to ensure that he’s comfortable and happy throughout his entire lifetime.

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