Best Ways to Control Humidity When Storing Your Cannabis

Purchasing weed whether for medicinal or recreational purposes isn’t cheap. If you’re a cannabis enthusiast, you must know how to store it properly so you can enjoy it longer. While movies usually show growers handling weed stored in plastic bags, the reality is different. Improper storage can cause it to degrade, leaving you with a low-quality cannabis product. The location and products where you keep your buds as well as other elements such as humidity are essential for their flavor and potency.

Continue reading to learn a few storage techniques to protect your buds until you’re ready to light up.

 How to store marijuana to control humidity

When storing cannabis, humidity is a vital element to consider. Humidity can affect everything from the way our hair behaves to the quality of the weed we consume. Many people don’t realize the impact humidity has on their stash. Bear in mind that too much moisture and humidity can cause the buds to grow mold and mildew, which is potentially dangerous to your health. Thankfully, there are hundreds of products available today to keep cannabis safe from humidity and mold.

Airtight containers are helping shield cannabis flowers from all kinds of growths, mainly yeast and mold. Whether you decide to keep your stash in a mason jar or a cannabis humidor, make sure you keep it in a cool, dark place and maintain 59%-63% RH. These products will help you keep your buds fresh and potent for a long time. The right environment is also essential, so limit your stash’s exposure to light, keep it at an appropriate temperature, and think about how long you plan to store it.

How to manage humidity levels

Today, there are many tools available for cannabis enthusiasts to help them maintain the humidity of their buds and keep it at a proper level.

  • Cannabis humidor boxes

These boxes are often referred to as statement pieces, and they’re a pricier option for storing your weed. However, they’re one of the best options if you want to control humidity levels and keep your buds fresh. These are also great for those who like to keep large amounts of weed at hand and accessories. Cannabis humidor boxes contain humidity systems designed to maintain the ideal humidity level for your cannabis.  

  • Cannabis humidity packs

Cannabis humidity packs are some of the most popular choices when it comes to controlling humidity. They’re usually made with a mix of water and salts, and users place them in their weed storage containers. They help maintain a perfect balance of moisture, protecting your stash. Based on the humidity levels in the container and the amount of weed, these packs work to remove and release humidity. This will keep your buds in good condition until they’re ready to be smoked.

  • Humidifiers and dehumidifiers

Plenty of weed growers and consumers use humidifiers and dehumidifiers to regulate the moisture in the air around the place where they grow or store their cannabis flowers. While the humidifier puts more moisture into the air, the dehumidifier removes it. You’ll also need appropriate equipment if you choose to use this method since you’ll have to measure the air’s humidity levels, in order to regulate it. This method is mostly useful for growers but not so much for consumers.  

Other factors to consider for managing the humidity

When choosing the best possible method to help you manage the humidity in your cannabis storage space, there are a few factors to consider. You must think about how much weed you’re going to store, and the amount of money you can spend on a humidity-controlling device. Alternatively, you might also consider how much effort you’re willing to put into monitoring your stash’s environment.

Note that cannabis humidor boxes require a bit of an investment upfront, although they allow their users to store more than just their weed. On the other hand, humidity packs are disposable even though they’re a simple way to keep the humidity levels balanced. You’ll have to look around for deals to purchase them so you can get the most out of them. Humidifiers and dehumidifiers, however, require monitoring of the environment, which might not be the best choice for those who smoke recreationally.

Final thoughts

No matter how much weed you purchase, you must consider the appropriate product and place to store it. Weed is quite sensitive and requires proper conditions to grow and maintain its potency and freshness. Remember, humidity is one of the most important factors when it comes to growing or storing your buds. While too much humidity causes mold and mildew, keeping it dry wouldn’t be the best option, either. Therefore, storing it in a place with the perfect amount of humidity is vital.     



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