aptitude test

Employees are considered to be assets of the organization. The competition is very tough nowadays and every person wants to make his career so perfect; hence they are very strong in every field. It becomes very difficult for the Human Resource department to shortlist the candidates – thus they have defined various aptitude test which can measure their performance. It also ascertains the strongest skill of the candidate. This helps the human resources to filter out the candidates – they end up taking the best candidates from the industry.

In some cases, these tests are conducted in order to understand the deficiency of the employees. This helps in providing them with the required training and feedback.

Deficiencies in execution arise when an employee possesses the skills and the knowledge to properly perform but for some reason does not. Unlike a deficiency in knowledge, a deficiency in execution often (but not always) is the employee’s fault.

The following are methods for solving execution deficiency problems with the help of aptitude tests. Make sure you try each one before you decide to take disciplinary action.

  • Set Objectives: Set individual objectives that are specific to each individual’s performance. (Define these objectives in numbers if possible). If an employee does not know how well or poorly they are performing, they will not change their performance.
  • Provide Feedback: If a worker determines that it does not matter whether a job is done correctly, soon it will be done poorly. The supervisor needs to arrange consequences so that employees know that a job done well makes a difference-to them, to their supervisor, and to the company.
  • Remove Obstacles: The supervisor is responsible for making sure his or her workers have all the time, tools, equipment and materials necessary to do the job and that nothing prevents them from doing their jobs correctly.
  • Eliminate Punishment: Eliminating punishment consists of making sure the results of doing a good job are positive and rewarding rather than negative and punishing. If individuals figure out that doing a good job leads to punishing results, they will avoid doing their jobs properly.
  • As you grow closer to indifferent workers, try to induce them to see your point of view about the department. At some point, you might place them within groups of highly-motivated workers.
  • Arrange for specific steps to meet specific objectives. After a while, they may begin to understand why others are enthusiastic and willing. A willing worker’s job interest will prove contagious.
  • Start by keeping these workers on jobs they can do at least fairly well (and which they have shown they can do to their own satisfaction). At the same time, avoid making others in the group carry more of the load than they should. Emphasize teamwork. Always let the employee know you are willing to help.
  • Whatever the assignment, make sure it is carried through to successful completion. This will help the workers avoid a feeling of frustration. By helping them realize they can succeed, you build self-reliance and confidence. Eventually, they may come to cooperatively freely and willingly with others of the department.

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