Feeding Kittens

HOW often SHOULD a kitten be FED?

Kittens aged less than six months have very small tummies. This means they require smaller and more frequent meals.

What that means is at least three to four meals each day. When they get older it is possible they will tolerate just two meals a day. If we look at wild cat natural feeding regimes, we find they eat as many as 20 small meals every day, if they can.

Obviously, this would not be practical for most of us so many of us leave food down all day. This is where dry food comes in. You can easily find the best dry food for kittens.

When you have a greedy cat, beware that leaving food down can encourage overeating and lead to obesity. Of course, when you have a fussy cat, they may turn their little noses up at dry or stale food.

 It is up to us owners to discover the feeding regime that suits our cats.


Cats take a big interest in the shape, smell, texture, and taste of their food. If you don’t expose them to different foods and flavors when they are young it can make them much fussier later in life.

It’s advisable to offer your kitten different types of food. This could include dry food, moist wet food in jelly or gravy, or even home-cooked meats and semi-moist diets. New foods should be introduced carefully. This means serving in small amounts otherwise, you may find upset stomachs.


The food’s temperature and the environment in which it is served can affect a cat’s food likes and dislikes. They are very aware of the changing seasons and storage conditions may also affect what they want to eat.

Kittens like their food to be at room or body temperature. This means moist food should not be put down straight from the fridge. Moist food should not become dry. It significantly decreases the palatability of food.

It is a good idea to buy smaller bags of dry food. When you have them you should also keep them sealed when they are not in use. The food will stay fresher and so the likelihood of any storage mite infestation is reduced.


Kittens may look cute but never forget they are naturally born to be hunters. This means they need animal tissue if they are to survive.

All 11 essential amino acids, which are protein’s building blocks, are found in meat.  For example, the taurine amino acid is required for a cat to have normal vision and a healthy heart. Arginine is essential and any deficiency can lead to weight loss, seizures, and diarrhea. It can quickly lead to death.

Kitten foods have to meet your kitten’s minimum nutritional requirements. But the quality can vary. This is why it’s advisable to check the ingredients and any analysis. You’ll find the information you need on the rear of food packets, food pouches, and tins. The higher meat content is often tastier and better suited to the physiology of our cat friends.

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