Car accident injuries can range from minor bruising to serious, life-threatening conditions. It doesn’t matter how insignificant the car accident injuries appear, you should always see a doctor who can properly evaluate & treat you.

If the accident was the fault of the other driver, you may be entitled to compensation from the insurance company. Seeing a car accident doctor in Pembroke Pines will help to back up the injury claim and document your treatment. There is plenty of pain after a car accident and it’s important to get medical help & professional advice.

Why You Must See the Personal Injury Doctor

You may not be sure what type of doctor to go to after a car accident, do not worry – this is common. If you are suffering from severe injuries, then you will have to go to the emergency room and then follow up with your primary care doctor or a specialist. However, if your injuries aren’t severe or life-threatening, you may opt to drive to the doctor for care the next day. Whichever option you choose, getting some type of care is important.

Getting Treatment

You must see a personal injury physician as early as possible. The job of the doctors is to help the people immediately after the accident. Apart from that, getting treated early will help prevent the injuries from getting worse. The doctors will also keep thorough records of your injuries.

Emergency Room Doctors

Your first doctor to visit after the car crash might be the ER doctor. It is often due to the nature of the injuries. If you had severe wounds from the vehicle collision, then an emergency room doctor will be the right doctor for you. However, as the name implies, emergency room practitioners primarily offer emergency care & give necessary medication. They would not be ideal for long-term physical therapy.

Primary Care or Urgent Care or Specialist

If you don’t have any life-threatening injuries, you should still see the doctor as early as possible after an accident. You can drive yourself to the urgent care clinic for getting examined or treated. These typically have longer clinical hours compared to primary care physicians & you can walk without an appointment.

Many primary doctors won’t see somebody after a car accident due to liabilities. They may recommend that you see a specific car accident specialist. Tell your doctor how you exactly feel and mention anything that is painful.

Once at the doctor, they will examine the injuries and run a series of tests that will check for any other issues. An accurate diagnosis ensures you get the right treatment.


To make your car accident claim with the lawyer, every single detail of your accident and treatment needs to be recorded. An accident injury doctor can take notes on the injuries. This will be important to the claim adjusters and to the court.

Finding the Right Doctor is Important

Finding the right doctor or physician is very important to get proper care after a car accident, however, you will be surprised to know that your doctor can outright refuse after knowing you are involved in the wreck. The reason is most of the family doctors are not set up to bill the PIP insurance and opt to not see car accident patients due to it.

Final Words

If you have ever suffered any car accident injuries, you could get compensation from the at-fault driver. You may also need a car accident lawyer to evaluate & file the claim. It’s unwise that you undertake legal procedures for the compensation on your own when injured. It will be better that you focus on the recovery phase. This is why it is imperative that you find a great doctor.

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