How to promote a YouTube channel from scratch

YouTube is now used by more than two billion people worldwide. Such impressive statistics make this platform one of the main places to promote your own brand or personal channel. Today we will talk about how you can promote your channel.

Set a goal

No project can get a good result if a clear goal has not been set initially. If we are talking about business, then entrepreneurs always draw up even a detailed plan to achieve their goal, because they do not want to lose their investments. Working in social networks, people also invest in content creation, and therefore they want to get results.

Immediately decide what you plan to achieve by maintaining a channel: popularity, promotion of your own brand, or increase in sales of goods or services. After that, determine what kind of people will be interested in your content and think about how you can attract such an audience.

Start looking for ways to promote

As much as beginners would like to succeed without outside help, it is impossible now. Gone are the days when bloggers only became famous for their content. This is due to the fact that now there are a huge number of creators on the platform and new channels are simply not shown to a wide audience.

To guarantee yourself a fast promotion you need to buy YouTube subscribers on specialized websites. This will help you increase your audience for a low price and not worry about the fact that you are working on an empty channel. In 2022, this is the most effective channel development tool.

What to shoot

Once you’ve decided on your audience and have an idea of ​​their interests, think about what content to shoot. You have most likely already chosen the topic, but in addition to this, the characteristics of the video are important. For example, if you have an audience of teenagers, then you do not need to shoot long videos with complex terminology — this will alienate a younger audience.

Also, if you work for people aged 40+, then it makes no sense for you to make videos with trendy music from TikTok and quick transitions in editing. Older generations prefer quieter content and a well-written script.

Interview formats and explanations of how any tasks are solved always work well. For example, you can talk about how to go to university and pass the entrance exams, how to assemble furniture at home, or how to bake a cake. For interviews, you can invite people who are somehow related to your topic.

The review format is also very popular now. As a rule, it is used by those who lead channels about technology, but reviews can be completely different. This format is in demand because everyone wants to make sure that the product is really of high quality before buying.


It is quite possible to achieve success on the popular video hosting from scratch in 2022. All you need is your diligence and following a clear plan. Set a big goal and break it down into small tasks. We wish you success!

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